Alphabet Classification :
this type, a group of jumbled letters typically consisting of three letters,
(but can be four or two or just a single letter) are put together. The pattern
or order in which they are grouped is to be studied and we need to find out
which groups have the same pattern or relationship between the letters. There
will be one choice, which will have a pattern different from the rest and that
is our answer.
Worked out examples :
Example 1.
Find the odd one among the following. .
(a) ZW
(b) TQ
(c) SP
(d) NL
Z–3W, T–3Q, S–3 P, N–2L
Hence, NL is the odd one.
Choice (d)
Example 2.
Find the odd one among the following. .
(a) CFD
(b) GJH
(c) KNM
(d) JMK
C+3F–2D, G+3J–2H,
K+3N–1'M, J+3M–2K.
Hence, KNM is the odd one. .
Choice (c)